Yes, we all know lockdown is supposed to be boring.
And those that waffle on about how “life changing” and “positive” lockdown is, are meant to be even more boring than the former.
So I’ll try to keep it sweet and short. I don’t mind the lockdown, because I’ve been spending it in my garden. In fact, I’ve been colossally appreciative for my little DIY plant nursery throughout the most recent few months. I realise that I’m inconceivably fortunate during this abnormal time to have a private outside space that I can disappear to, where I can appreciate the daylight and simply feel like I have a tad of opportunity.

Frequently when I proceed to sit outside a feline or three will accompany me and sit close by.
Most of my recently-acquired plants I got from a few nurseries, but also online. Delivery of course, takes longer during Coronavirus (I promise not to mention it again!). If you are this way inclined, Wilko also do a good set of plants (some not in stock).
Or if you are buying online then don’t forget to use a Harrod Horticultural voucher code from here (10% off), as they are rather pricey otherwise. I can’t afford much of their full-price range – even if it is good quality – so I always look for a coupon for Harrod Horticultural first.
Not very close psyche, sufficiently close for them to know I’m there. It’s a stunning inclination simply staying there, tuning in to the sounds from different gardens and watching the plants rising up out of their winter hibernation.
Something I love most about the plant nursery is the shading. Indeed, even in the winter I like to see shading in the nursery, and I’ve done this in mine in a couple of basic ways, such as painting my pergola an exquisite pink shading, and having part of brilliant plant pots. I’m a devotee of shading inside the home as of now, and outside there’s actually no motivation to keep down is there?
To give us a few thoughts for approaches to bring shading into the nursery I thought I’d start by assembling a Pinterest board. From that I’ve pulled out a couple of thoughts that I think would be anything but difficult to reproduce in any nursery.

Hold that thought, because there will be some more about my motivation in the next post.
PS: Very has lots of outdoor decoration options, including this turquoise planter on legs, which I think is my favourite. I have a few indoors pots like this, sat in a wooden frame, and I like the idea of mirroring that look in the garden.